Welcome to our Year 4 class page.
Year 4 Team
Ms Wallace
Assistant Head KS2/ Sri Lanka Class Teacher
Ms Thomas
Pakistan Class Teacher
Ms Campbell
India Class Teacher
Welcome to Year 4. Let us tell you a bit about why we are the best year group!
Our classes are called Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India. We are lucky to have other adults to help us. They are: Ms. Turner SEND TA, Ms. Kurtaj and Gideon SEND TA.
In year 4, we have the most talented teaching assistants: Mrs Kurtaj, who is an excellent mathematician and exceptional at Grammar, she enjoys helping children and always puts in a 101% in everything she does
Ms Althea is calm and patient and enjoys working 1:1 or in small groups, she has just completed her Masters in Theology, and is a fully ordained Church Pastor.
Year 4 students are very excited about their learning. We really like learning History and are looking forward to learning about The Romans. In Science, we love to experiment and to ask questions, we can’t wait to find out about food chains and digestion. (Hopefully there won’t be a lot of talk of poo!)
In our classrooms we love to talk, especially in our reading sessions where we discuss a shared book together and really delve deep into understanding the characters and events. In Maths, it is very hands-on and we enjoy working and talking with our friends to check our understanding. In Year 4, we know that learning our times tables is really important, we use Times Tables Rockstar and like competing with our friends who can get the fastest time.
All of the Year 4 teachers are very creative and love art. This term we are looking forward to improving our sewing skills and making our own Roman Purses. We are looking forward to all your art-work brightening up our classrooms, they always make us smile.
In addition to all the other fun that takes place, Year 4 will be learning Ukulele on a weekly basis, and we are looking forward to performing for the school community and family. We can’t wait for you to show us all your skills. The teachers are also looking forward to learning too!
At school we enjoy being active and exercising and we take part in a range of sporting activities. We enjoy learning team sports and using our ball skills.
To help us with our learning, we practice our times tables, handwriting and spelling at home. We also complete project homework around our topics.
If you have any questions please click on the contact us link.
Have a great day!
Year 4 team